
Dr. Petros Androvitsaneas

Postdoctoral Associate

Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub: High efficiency quantum dot sources

Dr. Sam Bishop

Postdoctoral Associate

III-Nitride quantum light sources, funded by EPSRC.

google scholarORCAORCID

Dr. Sherif Ibrahim

Postdoctoral Associate

Integrated Photonics, funded by Innovate UK.

Yanzhao Guo

Early Stage Researcher

Marie Skłodowska-Curie European training network “LasIonDef”

Bilge Yagci

Early Stage Researcher

Marie Skłodowska-Curie European training network “LasIonDef”

google scholar

Annie Mathew

PhD Student

Epitaxy of two-dimensional materials, funded by Oxford Instruments.

google scholarORCAORCID

Joseph Cannon

PhD Student

Nitride Colour Centers, funded by Research Council EPSRC.

google scholar

Matthew Jordan

PhD Student

Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub: High efficiency quantum dot sources.

Davey Armstrong

PhD Student

Photonic Integrated Circuits, joint funded by industry partner Wave Photonics and EPSRC

Miguel Alvarez Perez

PhD Student

Quantum Computing, funded by National Physical Lab

Katie Eggleton

PhD Student

Quantum light sources, funded by EPSRC

Demininggus Pekei

PhD Student

Solid state quantum emitter sensors, funded by LPDP


Dr Rachel Clark, PhD student (2000-2024): Now at University of Bristol

Dr Sam Bishop, PhD student (2018-2022): now a Post-doc in the group!

Dr Reza Hekmati, PhD student (2018 – 2022)